Friday, 21 March 2014


Today was a really great day. I spent most part of the day with my younger brother attending the Capital Markets Authority open day to learn more about investing. Basically what they do is regulate the market (the cops/law). They ensure the market is running well and everything is smooth and above board. If you want to learn more about them go to their website (
Groups you  need to be aware about and what they do:
KASIB - The Kenya Association of Stockbrokers and Investment Banks (
They are the umbrella association comprising of all stockbrokers and investment banks in Kenya.

NSE - The Nairobi Securities Exchange ( 
It is the only licensed securities exchange in Kenya established in 1954.Where the actual buying and selling of shares happens.

CMA - Capital Markets Authority 

CDSC - The Central Depository and Settlement Corporation (

They manage the Central Depository System (CDS) in Kenya for securities listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The central depository system can be compared to a bank where the records of all shareholding of listed companies are kept. It is actually a data base where the records of all the share holding of listed companies are kept.

All this information I have got from page 4 and 5 of the investor handbook which I got for free after attending the event.

Meet some interesting companies like Fusion Management they have interesting stuff.

Bottom line is this as I strive for my football dream, I have to be responsible with whatever little coin I get. Information is power there is a great verse also in the Bible Hosea 4:6 talking about guys perishing because of lack of knowledge.

A lot of information is out there especially when it comes to investments and thus one makes their own decisions to what their risk appetite is. If you are aiming to make money in a week nope that will be a big challenge especially if you are new.

Be challenged to go tomorrow and attend and see for yourself.